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Words From Our Followers
Hi PP Just want to say I really appreciate your tips and strategy. I have been watching your results for over a year. I finally made the best decision and set aside $1000 bank 10 days ago, making a commitment to a thoroughly disciplined strategy following your staking plan and tips. No more mug bets etc lol. I must admit I toiled through 2 of your losing days but actually won on one of those! My bank won’t allow a complete following if a bad run is happening so I am selective in my picks but stick to the staking plan . After 10 days I’m 35% Increase on bank! Just want to say thanks for opening my eyes to becoming a bettor rather than a mug punter. Brilliant selections and a staking plan that works. Thanks do much.
Loving your form at the moment. If I was game enough to put a decent amount on some of your tips I’d be putting something your way. I say that as the couple of times I have loaded up I’ve done my money! Stay well.
Hey mate, would like to donate $50 to your work so far, help with some costs! Love the Win Strategy!! If you have a preferred method let me know.
I’m winning, can’t remember when I started but gone from 1k to 3k. I do increase the start bank every day, and totally automated it using betfair Keep this tips coming, you strike rate is epic!
Hey Pro, been following from the states for a quite a while now. Always appreciated the strategy and the consistency.
Hello Punting Pro would still like to be able to access your tips, has certainly helped me build a nice bank and be more patient with my betting. Thanks
Been following for a long time now. When your picks line up with my own stuff the result is it out performs the ones of mine that you don’t pick. My stuff makes better profit (only just) for place than win meaning your strategy should suit beautifully. I haven’t run with it yet but plan to have a third of my bank for this purpose when the new racing season starts in a couple of weeks time. Keep up the good work Pro and thanks.
I follow you every day, apologies I don’t tweet as much to you. I find after 1 or 2 races I’m in front & I take that & run. Don’t bet again. You do that every day you actually earn a weekly income. People don’t see it like that but they should. It works!
Most don’t have the discipline to look at it like business decision Make profit =stop. And do it again tomo. They all want winners every fkn race.
The best thing you ever told me. Take a win & close the computer. Do that daily & I am proof of that.
Just so you know what I’m messaging dozens of people tonight that have asked
Hi, so I asked pro for advice May 2018 I follow his strategy only thing I do differently is I don’t risk 30% of bank if 1st 3 tips don’t provide return I give up for the day. I also don’t bet on 7 horse races they come 3rd too often. I appreciate this has lead me to lose out on winners /2nd place but that’s my strategy and it’s worked over nearly 2 years now. And yes, I really started with 4k May 2018 & took out 22k April this year. I know nothing about punting I just followed the system.
Hi Pro, Definitely using your tips and strategy. Only wished I’d stumbled across you ages ago. Cheers
You boys are killing it today.
Your pix are amazing thank u for sharing this! In ALASKA watching your picks come in on a kindle Firestick thank you!
Good on ya pro. Those 4 just got my bank back. Champion!
Hi you legend , thank you for your tips.
Hi there, I follow you every day…..Keep up the great work!